DISCONTINUED COLOURS & STYLES // French Mulberry, you did not receive a rose 🥀
It's that time of year again; Bachie broke hearts all over the nation, tears were shed, and now there are no more roses to hand out...
We're about to channel our inner Bachie and break a lot of hearts too (including our own), because here's our latest list of styles and colours that did not receive a rose, and are leaving the JOLYN mansion for good. Say your goodbyes.
There are still limited amounts of these colours and styles on our shelves, but we won't be restocking any further sizes SO THIS IS IT! Get your hands on them NOW, before they get in the big black limo and roll on down the driveway, never to be seen again.
>> See the full range of last chance stock here, and DO NOT DELAY! Once they're gone, they're gone.
My favorite style is RHYS!!!
I want to meet rhys style more in print~