FEEL GOOD FRIDAY // 3 reasons why you should compliment someone every day! 🥰
For FEEL GOOD FRIDAY, we're encouraging you to spread positivity and make someone in your life feel extra special by giving them a compliment! Think back on a time when someone gave you a really thoughtful, genuine compliment. It made you feel pretty good inside huh?! Well here are 3 reasons why you should pay it forward and give someone a compliment today, plus some examples of kind words you could say to them!
Not only do compliments make the other person feel all warm and fuzzy inside, they also make YOU feel good! When you take the time to say something thoughtful or give praise to someone else, it boosts your self-worth as well. Giving a compliment requires us to look for the good in others and in doing so, we also start to see more of the good in ourselves.
It's no lie that everyone loves receiving compliments about their physical appearance, so here are three compliments you could say to someone you see today:

Everyone wants to be praised and seen by others, so be a source of happiness and positivity in the lives of people around you, it will come back to you ten fold!  At the end of the day, we are all on the same journey together and each one of us has so much value to share with the world. Here are three compliments you could say to someone special to you to make them feel loved:

You can never underestimate the impact that a few words of kindness can have on someones day. Everyone has their own problems and struggles, and your small positive comment could just be enough to get them through the day, or put a smile on their face when things have been tough. Here are three compliments you could say to remind those close to your that they matter:Â

So today and every day, let's all make an effort to spread more kindness and light in the lives of people around us, and make the world a better place one compliment at a time. 🥰 Leave a comment below if you've ever received a compliment that had a huge impact on your or made you feel amazing!👇