GET YOUR SWIM ON // 5 seriously good reasons to jump in the water 🏊‍♀️🌊


JOLYN Australia womens sports swimwear blog post - benefits of going for a swim

We're not swimming lovers for no reason. This wonderful form of exercise offers many incredible benefits to both your physical and mental health. Even if your sporting passions lay elsewhere or swimming ain't really your thing, there are still so many reasons why you should incorporate it into your fitness or training routine in some way. To all the non-swimmers out there, we're here to convert you, and we're confident you'll consider adding a swim into your weekly training routine after reading this! Here are 5 seriously good reasons to go for a swim 👇 

JOLYN Australia womens sports swimwear blog post - benefits of going for a swim


Most forms of exercise are either high intensity but hard on your joints or low intensity and easy on your joints. With swimming, you get the best of both worlds! Game-changer. Swimming is a great cross-training option as it gives your body a break from higher-impact, weight bearing activities like running and gym training. Cross-training can help you avoid injury by allowing your body time to heal, so think of a swimming workout as a double up recovery + training sesh!



If you’re a human being, you’re probably stressed on the reg. Any form of exercise is great for de-stressing, but water-based activities are known to have additional soothing effects. I mean, it’s pretty hard to be stressed out when you’re floating in water, right?! Just being in the water allows your body and mind to relax. You don't need to be a profesh swimmer to reap the benefits, just have a bit of fun and enjoy it! Plus, you can't deny that jumping into the pool feels ultra refreshing. 

JOLYN Australia womens sports swimwear blog post - benefits of going for a swim


Swimming utilises almost every muscle in your body, making it great for strengthening muscles you don't normally use. While it may seem like your legs and arms are doing most of the work, that’s absolutely not the case at all. Swimming strengthens your core and engages nearly all the muscles in your back, all while giving you an epic cardiovascular workout. Sounds like something all athletes should jump on board with!



Injured and going crazy craving those post-workout endorphins? Swimming is often a great alternative to other forms of exercise when you're carrying an injury as it's non-weight bearing, allowing you to move your body and get your heart rate up without flaring up your injured area. Swimming is joint-friendly, so if running is your passion but your knees need a break from pounding the pavement, swimming is the way to go.



After intense lactic-acid-building training sessions like running, cycling or lifting weights, you may be left feeling a little stiff and sore. Here's where getting in the water can help - a light swim helps flush out toxins to prevent tight muscles and DOMS! Swimming also improves rage of motion by putting your body through a variety of different movements, helping your muscles stay nice and flexible! You'll be feeling fresher than ever during your next workout. 

JOLYN Australia womens sports swimwear blog post - benefits of going for a swim

Have we convinced you yet? Time get your swim on to start reaping the benefits!! You can thank us later. 🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️

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