WHAT DEFINES AN ATHLETE? // we break down what ‘athlete’ means to us 🏊‍♀️💪


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Here’s a challenge for you - go and ask a handful of people you know what their definition of an athlete is and see how many times you get the same response. We can almost guarantee you’ll receive a totally different answer each time, because the word ‘athlete’ means different things to different people. Technically, an athlete is defined as “a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina”, but we believe that being an athlete represents so much more than that.

JOLYN is made by athletes for athletes, so we wanna break down for you exactly what an ‘athlete’ means to us. Inspiring women and girls across various sports to accomplish their goals and be proud of who they are is what we’re truly passionate about. It’s why we do what we do. So, if you’re out there grinding each day to make improvements through training, then in our eyes, you’re an athlete!

  JOLYN Australia Swimwear blog - defining an athlete - inspiring women

We believe that being an athlete is determined far more by your mindset than your physical capabilities or sporting achievements. Having an athlete mindset is what drives you to wake up each day to train hard, push your body to its limits, and work towards your goals. It’s this mindset that encourages you to spend hours stretching, nourishing your body and perfecting your skills. 

 JOLYN Australia Swimwear blog - defining an athlete - inspiring women

It’s not just about being competitive, it’s about how you conduct yourself in all aspects of training and life, and we know that it ain’t always easy. As an athlete, you understand that there will be ups and downs, but it's about getting through to the other side. You also know that unfortunately, success doesn’t come easily. Sometimes you have to make tough choices in order to achieve your goals, such as (occasionally) skipping your favourite dessert, or waking up for training before sunrise. These things aren’t fun, but they’re all part of what makes you a wonderful, inspiring and strong sportswoman.

 JOLYN Australia Swimwear blog - defining an athlete - inspiring women

Although we define an ‘athlete’ as being more than just a high performing or talented individual, we don’t want to discredit all of the phenomenal elite athletes who dedicate their lives to being one of the best in their sport. We’re absolutely in awe of the incredible sports women competing on the world stage. However, at JOLYN, we’re about celebrating ALL of the hard working female athletes out there, whether you compete at an elite level or not. 

 JOLYN Australia Swimwear blog - defining an athlete - inspiring women

So now you know. When we say “for athletes”, we don’t just mean for those who are winning medals at nationals, or competing at an international level. We are for ALL athletes. We’re for the young girls working hard at practice before and after school, the university students continuing to smash their goals, the every day fitness enthusiasts, the incredible master’s ladies out there killin’ it every day, and everyone else who is passionate about being active. We see you all!

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